
The gallery's program is always high-quality documentary photography. In addition to the regular exhibitions of 400 ASA members, we also present renowned foreign and local photographers. However, we also gives opportunity to young talented creators.

Book Shop

No display can replace a physical photo on paper. Come and browse through our books or samples of prints and take them home straight away!


We want the gallery to be a public clubhouse as well. A multifunctional space for holding photography lectures, workshops or screenings. Do you have a project that you would like to hold under our roof? Contact us!


The 400 ASA Gallery is also a meeting place. And what is meeting without coffee or a glass of wine? Therefore, a small cafe with friendly staff is prepared for visitors on the ground floor.

The Gallery

At the beginning, there was a transformer station from the 1920s in a desolate state and the idea of ​​a public clubhouse of the 400 ASA. The idea of ​​a compact photo gallery and a meeting place not only for members, but for all interested in photography. The space created on the corner of Kováků and Na Zatlance streets in Prague’s Smíchov, 400 ASA Gallery, is a multifunctional platform for domestic as well as world photography.
In six exhibition projects a year and in another accompanying program, the gallery fulfills the ambition of our collective to educate, popularize and support the photographic genre, which has a rich tradition in our country. In addition to the regular exhibitions of its members, you will also find other famous foreign and domestic names and young talented creators on the program.
In addition to the exhibition space, there is also a small café with seating in our listed building with elements of rondo-cubism. At the same time, you can view and purchase all prints and publications of 400 ASA and their members that you know from our website.


400 ASA Gallery
Kováků 30
150 00 Praha 5 – Anděl

Opening hours

Monday – Friday
9:00 – 17:00

10:00 – 15:00

© 2020 400 ASA